Secondly, I found it rather stunning (and fascinating) that
someone of such stature and power actually found the time to play squash. I
suppose it shouldn’t shock me that much, squash is a very intense sport and has
been referred to many times as ‘gladiatorial’, and the players as ‘warriors’.
War-like in a sense.
Thanks to member Jerry
Solomon, he was kind enough to pass on an excerpt from a book he was
reading, “Growing Up Patton”. The book covers the interactions between the two
General George Pattons as father and son over their commanding years. (At the
time, George Jr. was not yet a general, but simply a recruit). Check out the
second paragraph. General Patton Sr. sees fit to pass on some very sound squash
advice. Remember, this is dated April of 1944 and is in the midst of WWII – in
the last 70 years or so, these fundamentals have held true.
So, next time you think that I am sounding like a nagging
wife when I tell you how to hold the racquet, watch the ball, get side on, just
keep in mind that one your finest military heroes agrees with me! Now, get back
to the ‘T’, drop and give me 20!